Color Resources
QPC provides these links to help color professionals make informed decisions.
Color Trends
Every year we put together our color trend collection. For 2017/18 it’s made up of 4 key trends that we see happening in the world around us, and each trend has a color palette of 10-12 colors that reflect that trend. It’s a great way to introduce your customers to beautiful new colors and the trends themselves are a great talking point. For more detailed info book our 1 hour color trend presentation for your design group.
Color trends
Working with a group of leading international architects, interior designers and trend watchers, the company has used extensive research to define the tones and styles that best represent how we will live our lives in 2017. The forecast is also regarded as a vital resource for all those working in the interior design world
This site is operated by Harzen Europe. Harzen is not an official RAL dealer and this site is not officially approved by RAL. Harzen is an international reseller of genuine RAL products and delivers the products for (almost) all over the world. Deliveries are taking place in Europe, UK and USA within two weeks. In the rest of the world one week more.
QPC Is a member of the following organizations.
The American Architectural Manufacturer Association (AAMA) is made up of people like you, people who are concerned about the direction of their company and the industry. As a material-neutral organization, AAMA brings together window, door, skylight, curtain wall and storefront manufacturers, suppliers and test labs to represent our individual and shared concerns.
For questions on the guidelines contact us.
AAMA 2603-17
AAMA 2604-17a
AAMA 2605-17